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Friday, November 23, 2012

Judge Adrianne

It is with honour that I announce myself as one of the judges for next year's Perth National Photographic Exhibition at the Royal Perth Show!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My niece

Thanks to my niece who posed nicely for me whilst my sister and two kids spent some time on the farm during the holidays.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Martin Downs

I've finally quit my day job (after years of thinking about it) to focus on my passion.  In the first week after me having the courage to do this I secured two clients so, inner confirmation I have done the right thing.  As yet I still haven't advertised my services to the wider community because I am still wading through a back log of things on the home front that never seemed to get done whilst in a 9-5 job, although still happy to accept word of mouth jobs.

Jacquie contacted me a while ago about photographing her family on their property at Martin Downs and now that all of the moons have aligned I was excited.  Essentially this is my first real gig of going 'professional'.  The girls aged 3 and 14 months were wonderful to work with after having to put up with me for over an hour. They are troupers for lasting the distance, in fact the whole family were. However, it's important to get as many photos as possible on location.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

APS Honours

After submitting a portfolio of 20 images to the judges, I have finally attained my LAPS honours with the Australian Photographic Society.  I am very proud of my achievement after working tirelessly toward this goal for years.  It will be announced at APSCON at Port Macquarie, NSW in September.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chloe & Zac

Apprehensively, I attend this home with two young 'uns. It's been quite some time since I've photographed two kids under 3 before. In fact, the last time was with my own kids, like I said... quite some time as they are now 8 and 10. It's great to photograph them in there own home where they are most comfortable, but I have good reason to be nervous. I've forgotten what it's like with a one year old. Little Zac is on the go the whole time. Using flash will freeze all that activity, but I am one eyed about using natural light for better quality pictures. As a result I cull about 50% of the photos due to motion blur, but am left with plenty to show mum and she

is more than happy with the pictures. For what Zac lacks in a sedentary lifestyle, he sure makes up for it in the smiles department and his older sister, Chloe, is just a natural pose for me. I expect things to go pear shaped rather quickly as they do at this age (this much I do remember), but the energizer batteries keep

on going on for hours! Thanks so much for letting me be your family's photographer!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Marsh Family

A big thank you goes to the Marsh's for being a great family to photograph.  All dressed in a casual black and white colour scheme I took their portraits on our farm.  Amongst other locations, I also managed to get some shots at the haybales before the roos and sheep ate though it all over the summer, I did however have to invest some time sweeping away the droppings beforehand! It's all part of country charm I guess and nobody expects to stay clean for very long!  A perfect sitting with all being very cooperative and willing subjects...a pleasure to work with.