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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chloe & Zac

Apprehensively, I attend this home with two young 'uns. It's been quite some time since I've photographed two kids under 3 before. In fact, the last time was with my own kids, like I said... quite some time as they are now 8 and 10. It's great to photograph them in there own home where they are most comfortable, but I have good reason to be nervous. I've forgotten what it's like with a one year old. Little Zac is on the go the whole time. Using flash will freeze all that activity, but I am one eyed about using natural light for better quality pictures. As a result I cull about 50% of the photos due to motion blur, but am left with plenty to show mum and she

is more than happy with the pictures. For what Zac lacks in a sedentary lifestyle, he sure makes up for it in the smiles department and his older sister, Chloe, is just a natural pose for me. I expect things to go pear shaped rather quickly as they do at this age (this much I do remember), but the energizer batteries keep

on going on for hours! Thanks so much for letting me be your family's photographer!